Thursday, 28 May 2009
Dave Wilson Starts For England

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Alwyn Cosgrove - Secrets For Success
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Triathlete's World - Flexibility

Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Speaking Engagements
Wrightington Sports Shoulder Conference
This is the first and only annual International Sports Shoulder Conference in the UK, with a large multidisciplinary and distinguished international and UK faculty, including leading surgeons, sports physicians, trainers and therapists.
The 2009 Conference will include:
Joe DeBeer - South Africa - shoulder surgeon
Prof Ann Cools - Belgium - Professoer of Physiotherapy and world authority on overhead athletes shoulder disorders
Guiseppe Porcellini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Dan Guttman - USA - shoulder surgeon
Ehud Rath - Isreal - sports surgeon
Paolo Paladini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Nick Grantham - UK - Strength & Conditioning trainer
Jo Gibson - UK - Shoulder Therapist
Stuart Cosgrove - UK - physiotherapist specialising in strength athletes
Mike Loosemore - UK - British Boxing doctor
David Jones - UK - Sports Physician, English Institute of Sports
Jonathan Harris - UK - Musculoskeletal radiologist
The meeting comprises a mixture of lectures, case discussions, workshops and live surgery. For full details download the booking form here http://www.wrightington.com/content/assets/1449-9.pdf
County Durham Sports Coaches Conference
I've recently been asked to speak at the first County Durham Sport Coaches Conference on the 4th and 5 th of July.
I'm delivering two sessions on the 4th of July. The first session will look at how coaches can develop a comprehensive training programme that will enhance all of the physical qualities, whilst the second session will offer practical advice on fitness monitoring to coaches - this is not a bells and whistles talk - it is about, simple and effective tests that can be used to track performances by coaches that are working with minimal equipment and on tight budgets!
This promises to be a fantastic event and full details, including a booking form can be downloaded here http://www.countydurhamsport.com/files/coaches_conference_booking_form.pdf
If you are a coach in the North East then this is one event you don't want to miss...and I'm still trying to work out how they can put on so many great seminars and still only charge £20 for the event. Get booking before someone at County Durham Sport realises they could be charging ten times the amount! Book now as at this price I'm sure spaces will go very quickly
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Fat Loss Strategies of Elite Athletes
Confusion pervades the Weight Loss market, when you're confused you flip- flop from one plan to another or do NOTHING If weight loss and body management is important to you it’s vital to find someone who knows what they are doing so you don't end up chasing rainbows.There's a lot at stake. You've obviously got your health and long term well being to think of and it’s no fun CONTINUALLY beating yourself up because you’re a bit on the cuddly side.
Matt has developed his 4 Week Fat Loss Programme so that you can use the exact same SCIENTIFIC principles strategies that elite athletes use to get lean and stay lean. So you can lose as much fat as you want to.
I asked Matt what prompted him to pull this information together now and to reveal the secrets that his private clients pay him very very well for? He explained that he comes into contact with many people from many backgrounds and he is continually being asked about the latest plan that's being hyped by the press, a few years ago it was the Atkins Diet that everyone was asking my opinion of. Then a celebrity would come out with a new program or get a gastric band fitted and there would be a hoo-ha about that and my inbox would be flooded again.
Rather than keep giving his opinions about what all the other programs are like Matt decided to collate all his information and experience and make it available so that anyone can use the principles that definitely work.
So he created Four Week Fat Loss a program based on scientific principles that will give you a strategy that will work for the rest of your life.
Matt was tired of having his friends and clients being duped by all the mis-information in the market place. It's so conflicting that it is no wonder that people are flip-flopping from one fad to another or just end up doing nothing!"
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Firing Line
The basic drill is simple enough, a simple defensive drill where we both start on the ground on our chest facing each other approx 6m apart. On my command we get up as quickly as possible and then my partner moves toward me to try and defend me with a two handed touch - meanwhile I'm trying to do my best to evade my partners 'touch' and get past him.
That all sounds very simple - that is until you factor in that I'm about 78kg (soaking wet) and my partner is an international rugby player that is tipping the scales at about 123kg! Now, for 3 weeks I've been putting this guy through his paces and it suddenly dawned on me that this was his chance to get one over on the coach.
I now know what it must be like to face a man mountain that is intent on smashing you into the ground! Contact was made on a couple of occasions - which pretty much meant me bouncing off a solid 123kg wall shaped like a human - I'm not sure he even noticed.
I don't think that the 'contact' I experienced was really anything to write home about - particularly when you consider that experts believe the level of contact that elite rugby players experience in an international match is similar to 10 car crashes....that's right.....10 car crashes! I think I experienced a little bump!
A great way to start the day!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
The system has been developed by Keith Scott and he has produced a ‘400-plus’ page system that will finally help you eliminate all of your physical pain, restrictions, weaknesses and any other problems that are slowing you down or taking you away of what you truly love to do.
Staying physical healthy is one of the biggest keys to success in any fitness program. If you cannot exercise, weight-loss and muscular development will be stalled, and by the time you are healthy, you have to start all over again.
Keith’s UNBREAKABLE system will teach you how to stay healthy, deal with old injuries or problems and work around any lingering issues so you never have to miss a workout because of pain or injury again.
Unbreakable <= Check out Keith’s system here
“Unbreakable” is a first of its kind product that will bring the best of the “physical therapy” and “physical conditioning” worlds together to help you specifically deal with all of your Orthopedic problems in the comfort of your own home or local gym. In this ‘400 plus’ page system (that includes self-assessments, full corrective-exercise programs for every major area of the body, targeted soft-tissue work for fast pain relief and much more) Keith provides you with everything you need to help you finally eliminate all of your physical pain, and get back to doing all of the things you love to do, without restrictions and fear!!! One of the best features of UNBREAKABLE is that it allows a person to “plug-in” the selected “corrective exercise” strategies into their current program so they can continue to train and workout without missing a beat.
So, if you are following a Westside Program, a body part split, an Olympic lifting plan or even Afterburn -- you can continue to do the program while taking care of any issues that you have and never have to miss a workout.
Unbreakable <= Click here for more details Keith has come up with a truly unique system that everyone should own because I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have some kind of injury, pain or physical problem in their lives. UNBREAKABLE can finally help you take care of any and all issues as they arise.
PS - Keith is also offering an 8 week, no questions asked money back guarantee. That's a long enough time to give the program a solid test run and decide for yourself.
Check it out here.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Functional Training Summit - Round-up

"Great speakers on useful and meaningful topics..."
"The practical sessions very good..."
"CHAOS speed training session was very useful..."
"I loved the hands on, practical approach and layout. This was a well organised and thorough seminar, well done..."
"Great practical aspects, very good presenters..."
Friday, 1 May 2009
What is Functional Training?
OK, I'll tell you what it isn't - it is not wobbling around on a stability ball performing bicep curls with kettlebells whilst whistling a happy tune - that is a second rate circus act!
Neil and I came up with the main factors that contribute to an exercises being considered "functional". In our opinion your exercise is "functional" if it satisfies one or more of the following criteria;
1.Biomechanics (movement) -the movement patterns should have a transfer of training effect to the actual sporting movements.
2.Metabolic - the correct energy systems should be conditioned during the drill
3.Force velocity -appropriate loads are used to train the correct part of the force velocity curve
4.Combination – sport!
When putting together your training programmes and selecting exercises take some time to consider if they meet the criteria, or if you are simply putting together a 'hollywood' session/drill that looks fancy but doesn't really have any impact on performance or results.