Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year - I hope 2008 brings you everything you are hoping for. It was interesting to sit with my daughter this morning playing in our front room - every now and then we watched one of our neighbours run past the house - I've counted 4 so far, non of whome I've ever seen go for a run before. Now I'm not knocking it, all power to them if they have decided to get fit in 2008 - I just wish they would take the advice of people like Alwyn Cosgrove and get fit for running rather than trying to run to get fit. Over the next couple of days people all around the country will be dusting off their trainers and taking to the streets, only to return home with sore shins and knees, vowing never to run again - bang goes the New Year resolution and any plans of regaining their fitness.

Why does everyone think that running is the first step to a new active lifestyle? Most of the clients that I see coming into the gym have poor conditioning and usually need at least 4-6 weeks of general conditioning before we even begin to think about taking to the streets for a run. If you want to get fit - get strong first and then take to the streets.

Have a great 2008.

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