Tuesday 19 May 2009

Speaking Engagements

Just a quick update of a couple of new dates that have been added to the summer speaking engagements.

Wrightington Sports Shoulder Conference
I'll be making a return visit to this fantastic conference and will be speaking on the 19th and 20th June. I'll be talking on the 19th about the transition back to performance and the use of strength and conditioning, as well as delivering a practical session on the 20th.

This is the first and only annual International Sports Shoulder Conference in the UK, with a large multidisciplinary and distinguished international and UK faculty, including leading surgeons, sports physicians, trainers and therapists.

The 2009 Conference will include:
Joe DeBeer - South Africa - shoulder surgeon
Prof Ann Cools - Belgium - Professoer of Physiotherapy and world authority on overhead athletes shoulder disorders
Guiseppe Porcellini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Dan Guttman - USA - shoulder surgeon
Ehud Rath - Isreal - sports surgeon
Paolo Paladini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Nick Grantham - UK - Strength & Conditioning trainer
Jo Gibson - UK - Shoulder Therapist
Stuart Cosgrove - UK - physiotherapist specialising in strength athletes
Mike Loosemore - UK - British Boxing doctor
David Jones - UK - Sports Physician, English Institute of Sports
Jonathan Harris - UK - Musculoskeletal radiologist

The meeting comprises a mixture of lectures, case discussions, workshops and live surgery. For full details download the booking form here http://www.wrightington.com/content/assets/1449-9.pdf

County Durham Sports Coaches Conference

I've recently been asked to speak at the first County Durham Sport Coaches Conference on the 4th and 5 th of July.

I'm delivering two sessions on the 4th of July. The first session will look at how coaches can develop a comprehensive training programme that will enhance all of the physical qualities, whilst the second session will offer practical advice on fitness monitoring to coaches - this is not a bells and whistles talk - it is about, simple and effective tests that can be used to track performances by coaches that are working with minimal equipment and on tight budgets!

This promises to be a fantastic event and full details, including a booking form can be downloaded here http://www.countydurhamsport.com/files/coaches_conference_booking_form.pdf

If you are a coach in the North East then this is one event you don't want to miss...and I'm still trying to work out how they can put on so many great seminars and still only charge £20 for the event. Get booking before someone at County Durham Sport realises they could be charging ten times the amount! Book now as at this price I'm sure spaces will go very quickly

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