Thursday, 9 July 2009

Recovery and Regeneration

Anyone that has followed my work over the years knows that I'm a huge believer in the benefits of recovery and regeneration - in my mind recovery interventions can make or break your training. Hours training in the gym can be rendered useless if you don't take care of business outside of training.
We are at the business end of the year for a lot of the guys I work with and I've put together a short video just to act as a reminder of the key things they need to consider when it comes to recovery and regeneration. I've condensed a 90 minute presentation and extensive e-manual into a 4 minute video! (I sound like I have a cold on the video - apologies - I think I need to play around with my microphone settings!)
If you want more information then you can check out Recovery and Regeneration: The Essential Guide To Training Hard Without Falling Apart. As I highlight in the video rigorous scientific investigations looking at the effectiveness of recovery strategies are rare. However, anecdotal reports from coaches and athletes continue to grow. So I could wait for another 10-15 years for the science to catch up before bringing you up to speed on recovery or, seeing as I know that you can't always hang around for the science to catch up, I could tell you what's currently happening in the field and how you can improve your training programmes by taking care of recovery. The decision was made and now you can get your hands on the e-manual you have been waiting for!

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