Friday, 4 September 2009
This will be the final post on the blogger site...don't panic...I'm still going to be sharing my thoughts on all things strength and conditioning, it's just I've got a new home. Check out the new site - it is still a bit rough around the edges but it is going to shape up to be a great site. More than just a blog.
Thanks for following and I hope you continue to follow me over at
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Go Backwards to Move Forwards
It was a nice video but the content was lacking.
My advice for anyone wanting to develop tennis (or any sport really)specific speed and agility would be:
1. Work all multidimensional (that's one of Vern Gambetta's) - forward,BACKWARDS, left, right, up etc etc.
2. Keep the distances short - in tennis a point is played with between 3-7 changes of direction in a confined area - if your drills are in excess of 10m then you need to tighten things up.
3. Practice going BACKWARDS - everyone wants to get fast going forwards - everyone forgets that you need to be good going backwards as well!
Once again we have coaches taking 'track' drills that get people moving fast in a straight line (with the occasional left turn) trying to convince us that they will help with the performance of a multidimensional sport such as tennis! STOP IT!
Friday, 28 August 2009
Do You Need A Coach?
•Supervised training with a coach is advantageous compared to figuring it out on your own.
•Women training in health clubs don't select appropriate training intensities needed for gains in performance.
•Training under supervision and guidance of a coach leads to greater gains in strength, workout intensity and workout levels. (Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol22 (1) 2008
Ratamess, NA, Faigenbaum, AD, Hoffman, JR & Kang, J. )
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Fitness Camps - Why are they so popular?
Let's find out. I sat down today with the owner of the NE's most successful fitness camp (sorry if that upsets some of the other bootcamp companies out there but that is just the way it is!)to find out how is has transformed himself from an overweight out of shape engineer into one of the countries leading body transformation experts.
Paul Mort is an intersting character and has more energy than the energizer bunny. We spent 15 minutes exploring his background, grabbing some top fat loss tips and finding out why he is killing it in the NE compared to the competition. Love him or hate him, love bootcamps or hate bootcamps - it doesn't really matter - this guy gets results. Anyway, the boy can talk, the interview is in three parts!
Part II
P.S. Apologies for the quality of the video - I've not worked out why we look like it was shot is sepia! Anyway, I'm a coach, not a cameraman!
Part III
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
What makes a good S&C Coach
1. Do you need to demonstrate the drill/exercise to be a good coach?
2. Do you need a variety of coaching styles to tackle a range of clients? (Young – Old, Male – Female, Able Bodied – Disabled, Team – Individual, High Performance – Average Joe)
3. Is it our job to motivate...are we entertainers, motivators or coaches?
4. How do we get our clients ‘focused’, ‘switched on’?
5. Is there a right or wrong way to coach?
The discussions that followed each question were very good and it was great to see everyone parking their ego's at the door and voicing their opinions. At the end I asked each coach for one piece of coaching advice. Here are the responses (some may seem obvious, but we often overlook the obvious!):
1. Always try to choose methods that will work best, not just what might the easiest or most convenient.
2. Recognise that all athletes are individuals with different motivations.
3. Relate sessions to upcoming goals.
4. Get to know the athlete, train them for what they need to be not what you want them to be.
5. Always maintain a fun element.
6. Treat the athletes with respect - as you would expect them to treat you.
7. Be able to coach a skill in more than one way.
8. Educate the athletes as to why they are doing what they are doing.
9. Try being coached yourself to experience an athlets perspective.
10. Be reflective on your practice/sessions.
11. Start sessions the way you mean to carry on.
12. Dont get sued (if what you are coaching is so dangerous that it could result in a court case then maybe you need to change your programme!)
13. Stick to core principles and philosophies but be flexible within them (big rocks).
14. Use simple but effective progressions
15. Athletes will respect the coach through the coach's example and behaviour
16. Dont change too much at once - try not too be overly innovative.
17. Dont give all coaching cues at once - and not during sets/reps. Wait til recovery and pin point 2/3 (max) coaching points
Going back to the 5th question - Is there a right or wrong way to coach? In my opinion - absolutely. Coaching is a process and you need to adapt your coaching to suit the athlete/client/situation. If you only have one style you will be limited.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
On The Move
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Coaching Female Clients
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Train With Intensity
Alwyn Cosgrove "...Good face on the sprints!..." -this is a face he recognises from back in the day when we were training partners - the shutters were down!
Robert Dos Remedios "...great face....that's what I talk about in my lectures about overload.....lots of personal confrontation going on there HAHA!..."
Now as coincidence would have it I started reading a book today about Marco Pantani (an iconic cyclist who won both the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France in the same year - that doesn't happen all that often). And this was the preface;
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Pre-Season Rugby Testing
Friday, 31 July 2009
Stong Shoulders
Fat Loss Strategies of Elite Athletes
I'm sure you will all have your holidays booked - if you are not looking too good in your speedo's you should check out Matt's programme and get lean in just 4 weeks.
In his plan Matt will explain
Cutting edge fatloss strategies used by international athletes now available to the
General Public.
No hype or bull- only proven stategies that burn fat
Inside, you will discover Matt Lovell's (England Rugby Nutritionist) strategies...
# 1 reason why most Dieters fail and how you can protect yourself from this curse
Video -TIME BUSTER- How to prepare 5 fat burning meals in under 15 minutes.
7 most common questions people ask about fatloss... and the answers.
How to time your meals (allowing you to eat more but still lose weight)
Three Weight Loss mistakes almost everyone makes (are you making them)?
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Introducing Duncan French
Interview with a strength coach - Duncan French
Check out the first instalment which will bring you up to speed with Duncan's background.
Keep an eye out for future posts where Duncan and I discuss a range of topics, including:
1. Myths of youth resistance training
2. The importance of recovery and regeneration
3. Why endurance athletes that don't strength train are missing a trick
4. Why female clients and athletes can train like the guys and still look great and deliver fantastic performances.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Storm Force Kettlebell Course
1. Learn to master the key exercises
2. Muscle activation and mobilisation to eradicate problem areas / injuries
3. Using full body tension to increase strength instantly
4. How to develop awesome power and power endurance without needing Olympic lifting
5. Holding the kettlebell to greatly reduce callouses
6. Structure workouts for different goals
7. Bonus ’show boat’ exercises to practice!
8. Actual workouts so you know how they should feel!
Tour bonuses…..
You’ll also get all of the following extras for completing the course so you are perfectly set to wake up the next day and transform your fitness and physique…
1. Kettlebell Technique Development Manual And Videos
2. Metabolic Accelerator Nutrition System
3. Kettlebell Program e-book with programs for strength, conditioning, fat loss and muscle building including how to use GVT and EDT with kettlebells for muscle growth
4. Five Stage Flexibility Program
….and much more!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
What Makes A Good Coach?
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Rat Race - Edinburgh 2009

I entered this event back in November with my mate Tom, we both keep pretty active and didn't really know what to expect. What followed was 2 days of full on physical exertion and some serious team work. Saturday saw us running through the streets and parks of Edinburgh as we gathered points at each checkpoint. Tom is a pretty strong runner so I spent 2.5 hours looking at his arse from about a 20m distance - with just 45 minutes gone I was already suffering but just had to keep on going. Tom telling me we only had another hour to go didn't do much for my motivation! On the other hand a large group of females on a hen night was just the motivation I needed to stop walking and start running with a spring in my step! We completed the event on time but were disappointed with our points total. I couldn't help thinking that I had held Tom back and we could have picked up some more points.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Fitness On The Go
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Thin Slices and Locked Doors

One story that I recount is that when I started off working with the British Gymnastics team as a young graduate I thought I knew everything there was about sport science! I couldn't work out why the coaches that I watched didn't appear to monitor the gymnasts training more closely.
I monitored and evaluated every training session to 'check' that the coaches were working the gymnasts appropriately (reps, sets, volumes, intensity, work rest ratios, the lot). At the end of a month long research period my findings concluded that the coaches were spot on - they didn't use heart rate monitors, they didn't capture hours of footage on video, they didn't use a stopwatch - they just knew. This was the 'art' of coaching. In that month I learnt a lot about coaching in the real world! These coaches were able to "THIN SLICE". Through years of coaching they were able read deeply into the narrowest of slivers of experience. They didn't need to have facts and figures-they just knew - FANTASTIC.
Back to BLINK. In one of the opening chapters of the book there are a couple of pages took me back 10 years to my work with gymnastics. Here are some of the key sentences.
When I spoke to the coaches they were not always able to articulate why they performed a certain type of training. My scientific mind then had alarm bells ringing. If they can't explain why, then how do they know it is working. I had to try to find out why - it simply wasn't enough for them to refer to instict or gut feel!
For me, like many others it was a lot easier to listen to the scientists, after all, as Malcolm Gladwell points out "...because the scientists could provide pages and pages of documentation supporting their conclusions."
What I learnt back in 1998 has stood me in good stead during my coaching career. Working in sport is not an exact science. Yes we should always strive to understand why we are training in a certain way but we must also acknowledge the 'art' of coaching. Sometimes we just have a hunch, an instinct, a gut feel that what we are doing or seeing is the way to go.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Quick Fire Top 10
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Recovery and Regeneration
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Coaching the Coaches

Saturday, 4 July 2009
Steelman Triathlon
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Training Ballet Dancers
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Wimbledon Fever

Well done Alex and keep up the good work.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Wrightington Sporting Shoulder Conference

Thursday, 18 June 2009
Seminar Season
The use of CHAOS training drills and the emphasis on the ability to apply the brakes are featuring more and more and it just seems to make sense when you are developing programmes for athletes taking part in a wide range of different sports. It just goes to show that you can always learn something new!
With a quick turn around I'm just putting the finishing touches to a presentation for a two day event looking at shoulder rehabilitation. I spoke at the same event last year and I'm back again to present a theory and practical session on rehab and return to sport for athletes with shoulder injuries. The Wrightington Sporting Shoulder Conference is a fantastic event run by Lennard Funk (great name for surgeon!) and I find it very humbling that me, as an S&C coach is invited back each year to speak to a room packed full of medics, surgeons and physio's.
My final speaking enagement for the summer is on Saturday 4th July at the County Durham Sport Coaches Conference. This should be a really good event and you can download a booking form from
I'm going to be delivering two seperate sessions. The first will look at fitness monitoring and how to use simple tests to monitor your training progammes. The second session is going to look at programme design and how to put together an integrated training programme.
It's a busy couple of weeks but I'm looking forward to getting out and about and meeting the delegates and presenters at each event, as well as having the opportunity to pick up some new information myself. Fortunately I've got a short break in between so I can spend some time away with the family!
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Fat Loss and Fitness
Monday, 8 June 2009
UKSCA National Conference
I really enjoyed Avery Fagenbaum's keynote presentation on youth resistance training. Anyone that starts by telling the audience that his laboratory is the gym is onto a winner in my opinion!
Two messages really struck home for me.
1. The best coaches should be working with young athletes - all too often this is where money is scimped and saved and graduate coaches and volunteers are let loose on young children, sometimes with disastourous effects. The best coaches more often than not work with the pro's and elite athletes. This could be completely back to front...if a better job of coaching and conditioning took place during the formative years then the senior athletes would have all the tools they needed to go out and perform. If you run a youth programme and are looking for coaches find a way to hire the most qualified coach available - don't rely on volunteers and helpers.
2. Don't be a supply teacher - make a connection with your clients. Your job is to coach and you can only do that if your have a connection with your client. Rember when you had a supply teacher at school - fantastic - easy street... and more often than not you could make their life hell and not really pay attention! Think about your old teachers and which ones had the most impact on your learning, I bet they were the ones who made a connection with you.
The second standout presentation was from Marin Rooney of Parisi Speed Schools. He delivered a great session on multi-dimensional speed and agility. The key take home message for me was the importance of having good brakes!Most athletes and clients don't spend enough time learning how to decelerate - you wouldn't drive a sports car with not brakes would you?!
He also had a great slide which summed up the weekend nicely for me;
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Dave Wilson Starts For England

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Alwyn Cosgrove - Secrets For Success
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Triathlete's World - Flexibility

Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Speaking Engagements
Wrightington Sports Shoulder Conference
This is the first and only annual International Sports Shoulder Conference in the UK, with a large multidisciplinary and distinguished international and UK faculty, including leading surgeons, sports physicians, trainers and therapists.
The 2009 Conference will include:
Joe DeBeer - South Africa - shoulder surgeon
Prof Ann Cools - Belgium - Professoer of Physiotherapy and world authority on overhead athletes shoulder disorders
Guiseppe Porcellini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Dan Guttman - USA - shoulder surgeon
Ehud Rath - Isreal - sports surgeon
Paolo Paladini - Italy - shoulder surgeon
Nick Grantham - UK - Strength & Conditioning trainer
Jo Gibson - UK - Shoulder Therapist
Stuart Cosgrove - UK - physiotherapist specialising in strength athletes
Mike Loosemore - UK - British Boxing doctor
David Jones - UK - Sports Physician, English Institute of Sports
Jonathan Harris - UK - Musculoskeletal radiologist
The meeting comprises a mixture of lectures, case discussions, workshops and live surgery. For full details download the booking form here
County Durham Sports Coaches Conference
I've recently been asked to speak at the first County Durham Sport Coaches Conference on the 4th and 5 th of July.
I'm delivering two sessions on the 4th of July. The first session will look at how coaches can develop a comprehensive training programme that will enhance all of the physical qualities, whilst the second session will offer practical advice on fitness monitoring to coaches - this is not a bells and whistles talk - it is about, simple and effective tests that can be used to track performances by coaches that are working with minimal equipment and on tight budgets!
This promises to be a fantastic event and full details, including a booking form can be downloaded here
If you are a coach in the North East then this is one event you don't want to miss...and I'm still trying to work out how they can put on so many great seminars and still only charge £20 for the event. Get booking before someone at County Durham Sport realises they could be charging ten times the amount! Book now as at this price I'm sure spaces will go very quickly
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Fat Loss Strategies of Elite Athletes
Confusion pervades the Weight Loss market, when you're confused you flip- flop from one plan to another or do NOTHING If weight loss and body management is important to you it’s vital to find someone who knows what they are doing so you don't end up chasing rainbows.There's a lot at stake. You've obviously got your health and long term well being to think of and it’s no fun CONTINUALLY beating yourself up because you’re a bit on the cuddly side.
Matt has developed his 4 Week Fat Loss Programme so that you can use the exact same SCIENTIFIC principles strategies that elite athletes use to get lean and stay lean. So you can lose as much fat as you want to.
I asked Matt what prompted him to pull this information together now and to reveal the secrets that his private clients pay him very very well for? He explained that he comes into contact with many people from many backgrounds and he is continually being asked about the latest plan that's being hyped by the press, a few years ago it was the Atkins Diet that everyone was asking my opinion of. Then a celebrity would come out with a new program or get a gastric band fitted and there would be a hoo-ha about that and my inbox would be flooded again.
Rather than keep giving his opinions about what all the other programs are like Matt decided to collate all his information and experience and make it available so that anyone can use the principles that definitely work.
So he created Four Week Fat Loss a program based on scientific principles that will give you a strategy that will work for the rest of your life.
Matt was tired of having his friends and clients being duped by all the mis-information in the market place. It's so conflicting that it is no wonder that people are flip-flopping from one fad to another or just end up doing nothing!"
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Firing Line
The basic drill is simple enough, a simple defensive drill where we both start on the ground on our chest facing each other approx 6m apart. On my command we get up as quickly as possible and then my partner moves toward me to try and defend me with a two handed touch - meanwhile I'm trying to do my best to evade my partners 'touch' and get past him.
That all sounds very simple - that is until you factor in that I'm about 78kg (soaking wet) and my partner is an international rugby player that is tipping the scales at about 123kg! Now, for 3 weeks I've been putting this guy through his paces and it suddenly dawned on me that this was his chance to get one over on the coach.
I now know what it must be like to face a man mountain that is intent on smashing you into the ground! Contact was made on a couple of occasions - which pretty much meant me bouncing off a solid 123kg wall shaped like a human - I'm not sure he even noticed.
I don't think that the 'contact' I experienced was really anything to write home about - particularly when you consider that experts believe the level of contact that elite rugby players experience in an international match is similar to 10 car crashes....that's right.....10 car crashes! I think I experienced a little bump!
A great way to start the day!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
The system has been developed by Keith Scott and he has produced a ‘400-plus’ page system that will finally help you eliminate all of your physical pain, restrictions, weaknesses and any other problems that are slowing you down or taking you away of what you truly love to do.
Staying physical healthy is one of the biggest keys to success in any fitness program. If you cannot exercise, weight-loss and muscular development will be stalled, and by the time you are healthy, you have to start all over again.
Keith’s UNBREAKABLE system will teach you how to stay healthy, deal with old injuries or problems and work around any lingering issues so you never have to miss a workout because of pain or injury again.
Unbreakable <= Check out Keith’s system here
“Unbreakable” is a first of its kind product that will bring the best of the “physical therapy” and “physical conditioning” worlds together to help you specifically deal with all of your Orthopedic problems in the comfort of your own home or local gym. In this ‘400 plus’ page system (that includes self-assessments, full corrective-exercise programs for every major area of the body, targeted soft-tissue work for fast pain relief and much more) Keith provides you with everything you need to help you finally eliminate all of your physical pain, and get back to doing all of the things you love to do, without restrictions and fear!!! One of the best features of UNBREAKABLE is that it allows a person to “plug-in” the selected “corrective exercise” strategies into their current program so they can continue to train and workout without missing a beat.
So, if you are following a Westside Program, a body part split, an Olympic lifting plan or even Afterburn -- you can continue to do the program while taking care of any issues that you have and never have to miss a workout.
Unbreakable <= Click here for more details Keith has come up with a truly unique system that everyone should own because I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have some kind of injury, pain or physical problem in their lives. UNBREAKABLE can finally help you take care of any and all issues as they arise.
PS - Keith is also offering an 8 week, no questions asked money back guarantee. That's a long enough time to give the program a solid test run and decide for yourself.
Check it out here.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Functional Training Summit - Round-up

"Great speakers on useful and meaningful topics..."
"The practical sessions very good..."
"CHAOS speed training session was very useful..."
"I loved the hands on, practical approach and layout. This was a well organised and thorough seminar, well done..."
"Great practical aspects, very good presenters..."